Support the Fondazione Gramsci and its library’s activity with a free donation!
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Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna onlus with Unipol banca). - with Paypal:
Donating today is fiscally more advantageous! Every donation is deductible from taxable income.
Being Onlus (Non-profit organization), in accordance with Article 13 of Decree-Law n. 460/97 then Law 80/05, every donation is fiscally deductible from the overall income of the provider within a limit of 10% of the overall declared income, and up to a maximum of 70.000 € a year the donations in cash or in kind from natural persons and legal entities. Furthermore, specific modalities for the payment are no longer required.
Alternatively, the 19% of the amount donated can be deducted from the gross tax up to a maximum of 2.065 € (art. 5, comma l, lettera i- bis of D.P.R. 917/86).
In order to enjoy the fiscal benefit permitted under the law, the natural persons should conserve the payment documents (postal current account, bank receipt, a copy of the bank check, credit-card statement…), valid for the deduction.